This reflective open-access learning resource has been developed on behalf of the GIRFEC Improvement Group and provides a basic summary of key topics including the National Practice Model and National Risk Framework and links to guidance, templates and resources. Visit these reources.
Introduction To Multi Agency Child Care & Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation Briefing
Child Sexual Exploitation Workshop
Child Protection and Disability - eLearning
Child Protection and Disability - Managers Course
Child Protection and Disability - Practioners Course
Joint Investigative Interviewing Training
Corporate Parenting Learning Hub
Children 1st - Multi-Agency Supported Practice Sessions
Working with Non-Engaging Families in Tayside - Information available MY LEARN
Children 1st Buddy approach to supporting children and young people to participate in decision-making meetings. 2.5 hour multi-agency supported practice session on Contact Jane Greenshields at Children 1st on or 01382 349910 for dates and details
Social Services Learning Links
SSSC Registration
SSSC Step into Leadership
Institute for Research and innovation in Social Services (IRISS)
Continuous Learning Framework (CLF)
Social Services Knowledge Scotland
Angus and Dundee City Council Newly Qualified Social Worker - Child Protection Learning Resource
This learning resource is for Newly Qualified Social Workers in Angus Council and Dundee City Council and forms part of induction for NQSW working in Children and Families Services. If you are employed as a NQSW in Angus Council or Dundee City Council you will have received information about NQSW Child Protection Practice Development Workshops. Please contact Wendy Hinnie in Angus or Gillian Ferguson in Dundee if you have any queries regarding these workshops or this online learning resource. Click Visit this resources to access the resource directly.
Please let us know about any National or Local learning links on Protecting People issues that you would like added to the framework: or telephone 01382 307511